Was flying FSX the other day. Didn't fly for quite a long time, so my skills are bit rusty. So i decided to do some leisure flying. Picked myself a nice 747-400, set the location to a random gate in Changi, and started all the normal procedures. Took a long time before I was actually cleared for take-off. Then there was the pre-flight check, not to mention the 'no-smoking' and 'seatbelt' signs. lolz.
Finally, clearance. I just planned to do some practice flying, so I maintained runway heading (i took off from 02R, so heading's 23 degrees), at just 5 thousand ft. Flew till I was about 45miles out, then I consulted the charts, looked for a place to land this thing. I saw Tengah Airbase, that was cool! So i contacted Singapore Approach, requsted airspace transition, then contacted Tengah Tower, requst landing. Adjusted heading and made my way back South to Singapore.
I'm not very familiar with the area, despite tower directions I couldn't see Tengah. I was already only 20miles in, without visual i had to abandon the approach. Then, I saw Changi. time for some extreme flying! I was near the western side of Singapore, I swung the nose around, 30 degrees bank, speed 180, flaps full, gear down. Tried to line up for runway 20R, without ATC clearance lolz.
I thought all i needed was 140KIAS, but when I slowed to 150 i was already sinking like hell, and way below the glide slope, and off-course. I blasted the throttles, banked to the right, and whoots! Perfect touchdown! the ATC went like "World Travel 1420 Heavy, u r not cleared to land. Get off of the runway!" lolz
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