Ok bout the holidays. 1 word. Boring. Busy doing Physics project and some bloody chinese presentation thingy. Just finished the latter haha. But thn there were a few nice days. Went out to do test runs for the new 500D, all sorts of conditions. Night Safari for high ISO performance, Sentosa for daylight, airport for fast moving subjects lol. Ok i think there's a design problem with the AI Servo AF mode. The AF points do not light up, and it make you wonder if the camera is focusing at the right place, that why One Shot AF is better, and i prefer to set it to the centre point. This is an awesome camera anyways, but thn it somewhat likes to overexpose sometimes, thn i hav to tune down the exposure compensation zzz. Still good though, beats the crap out of compacts wowza.
And i went to the gym on Thursday, with HK, Wong, Ken, and his 'soul mate' hehe. That was a fun day too. Bout the picture down here, i took it in sentosa. It's a bit off-focus, and there's a bit of a subject blur cuz of the wind blowing the flower around. But i think it's great, love the shallow depth of field!