Anyways, exams over, and guess wad? I did the seemingly impossible, GPA 3.8 whoots! And my bio percentile 99, language arts percentile 96, and 95 for chemistry :D did I mention I topped level for my language arts in year 1 lolz. sorry. bragging again. Hopefully can get my EOS 500D...
Anyways holidays now. The first week has been quite eventful. Monday i went to changi beach with WKS for aircraft spotting. It's a very good sport. Logged down my first S'pore Air A330s, and 2 British Airways planes, a 777-236ER (G-YMMH) and a 747-436 (G-CIVR).
Then on wednesday I got on Super Star Virgo for the fifth time, on a trip to Pulau Redang, M'sia. The ship was still as awesome as it was, but the redang place was like bleh! Very sian , nothing much to do, not even jet skis man!!! But it's really a very beautiful place. Went on a snorkeling trip, the gear they provided was good, but the site was not as good as Phuket. And the food, they claim it's 'international', but it tastes malay zzz. I'm not against malay food, but eating it for 3 meals straight for 2 days, it's gotta turn bad. And these pictures are quite nice i think. Tripod stands are real irritating, and too bad no SLR